Logo designed for a sticker for East Coast Eagles Hockey Helmet
Campaign logo designed for Menucha Levy - running for a seat on the Skokie School Board.
ABA Rocks Convention Logo designed for Arizona Builders Alliance annual convention.
ABA (Arizona Builder's Alliance) 20 year anniversary convention logo.
Designed for an East Valley JCC event called A Month to Stamp Out Hate, this logo represented the message of the programming to increase awareness of worldwide genocide and encourage human tolerance.
Designed for the East Valley JCC event that featured the traveling Anne Frank Exhibit. The design reflected a continuation of the tolerance theme of ongoing event series presented by EVJCC.
Designed for a fundraising event for EVJCC in Chandler, Arizona
Designed for summer camp for East Valley JCC in Chandler, Arizona
Designed for ERC & EDI to represent award given to the 99 Best Place to Work in Northeast Ohio.
Designed for the Bar Mitzvah event
Designed for a Bar Mitzvah event
Designed for Bar Mitzvah event
Designed for Temple Emanuel Youth Group
Designed for Temple Emanuel Religious School
Designed for a product line of designer coats for dogs
Designed for a business network in Lake County, Ohio focused on family-oriented activities and events
Designed for the safety initiative by Genie
Designed for anniversary of the Business Council, Inc. of Richmond, VA
Designed for EVJCC fundraising benefit themed Denim & Diamonds
Designed for Mia's Peeps, a medical fundraising campaign for Mia G. who was diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 2. The ribbon represents pediatric cancer (yellow ribbon) and brain tumor (gray ribbon).
Designed for business recycling campaign in Ohio
Designed to designate business leaders recognized by ERC & EDI
Designed for the product line, Marshall's. This photo coloring system is sold worldwide.
Designed for product line within the craft industry
Designed for product line for digital photograph industry
Designed for product line for photography industry
Designed for product line for photography industry